Friday, December 24, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Sigh okay. So my this semester results were average. So maybe I need some constancy in delivering results? So be it! Oh please God... For my first job, let it be at least a little bit fruitful! Oh, let me start my arduous process of learning in the 'real world'! Sigh... I am so full of crapz... But its what keeps me going... So yeah. Let me earn some money soon too.
I'm still definitely not the smartest around, so I better keep learning fast.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Bored of packing. Still packing.
Don't want to go to school to scan passport and another document. But have to go sometime.
Yarrrrrh. I'm bored.
And the weather is now freaking hot.
Mother, the 2009 Korean film, is a really well-written story. The way the development is handled. Wow.
Won Bin is awesome.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Slightly neurotic people all have hair issues. Like Franz Kafka.
Eeeeee. Supernatural Season 5 end episodes are boring. :(
Waiting for my movie to DL~
I wonder what made the ending eps of Season 4 seem much better! Must be hard to write a long-running show like Supernatural sometimes... For all it's worth, I will always love Supernatural! Can't wait to move on to S6.
I wanna keep note of them here!
I read the Alfian Saat story! Wanted to write you a note.. I'm packing stuff to ship home halfway, and I wanna get back to it, so I'd make this a quick note :P (A/N: Yah.. I lied. I always lie about the length of these notes of mine ^^)
1. In the short story, it feels like he wrote one of my daily night-time experiences! Looking out the window of my that 5 room HDB home in Singapore, and noticing the window on the right side of the block stays lit till quite late in the night like my own!
2. He wrote about his mother yeah... Personal touch much? Think his stories read like they're quite auto-biographical... But I know from his Facebk wall that him and his mum seem like a funny pair.. Haha.. But I just think the mode of his stories read like they're half auto-biographical..
3. I don't seem to want to write like half auto-biographical stuff myself for the moment! Any authors you like to learn the style of writing from? Some people think in order to learn how to write, we should write like the authors we like. But that would seem unoriginal..
4. I'm still really into fiction drama type things. Like packing real life stories into one drama. I even like docudramas. I think they can be lovely! Like knowing how in making a film, you're never totally honest, but still I think that kind of dishonesty can be made honest. :P Like some famous guy said before that art is a lie that aims to tell the truth? =p
5. I like reading local fiction / watching local films on an alternate basis. Singapore stories have a lot of soap drama, but they can really get us to connect with the 'heart' of the stories sometimes. So glad you're into local fiction!
Well, I was packing right. And I came across my old stuff, some of the stuff my mum gave to me. They're outdated already.. It's weird, but I have like a mini Prada bagpack and some old necklaces my mum gave me. Yeah, that sort of stuff which would seem a little antique. The Prada bagpack actually does look sort of antique to me! It's pretty good and simple, not like something a Guess bag would look like.
Anyway. Looking at those stuff - It feels kinda disconnected. It's like those stuff can't be bought in shopping centres today kind of feeling. Like "what is these stuff doing in my cupboard at all?" kind of feeling. Of course, I still keep the stuff. But it's not like they have any 'real' practical purpose for me anymore, not like I actually use those stuff. Those stuff are kept for another reason, I reckon. Sentimental much?
Can't really say so.. But I just thought, looking at those little stuff, they look like they're from another era.
I don't know how to sentimentalize about my mum. I won't see her anymore. It just feels weird... I haven't even been exactly fillial enough to have had one proper dream of her. But I remember one small one. Which wasn't full-on sentimental either, it was just a small glimpse of her I guess.
How does one even think of a mum who has gone away?
That's why for now, I won't even really try to write about my mum, my life in brief or what not. Some people 'create' little fiction stories every minute of their lives. Like microblogging. But I rather work on the 'big' thoughts, instead of rushing to create every little thing. I don't know... I guess I believe that this thing called realization or whatever it's called... It grows with one... Nowadays everyone can be a writer what not, don't you think. But I really just think that not all of the time, one can write something that really captures what a person is like?
Maybe it's because I've done film projects, I realize that working with whatever people and resources you have at the moment is the best thing one can do. But, it still is very important to keep working on one's 'big personal story', sort of.
When a person is able to create stuff that is connected with oneself, instead of doing it for commercial purposes or for the purpose of riding the cultural wave of the moment (lol), I think that's when an author is born. :P An author who knows how to write about what's human perhaps.
I've been wanting to check out my old photos and home videos when I get back to Sg! My brother did that before me... Maybe now I should finally take that 'memory trip' too! Those old videos will probably be damn good and amusing to look at.
And maybe if there's one short fiction about me I could write right now, it would be about how I was just thinking the other night, how I came to see why my definition of education is not restricted to grades and school at all.
It randomly came to me, you know... Scene at the Tan Tock Seng or something.. My dad and bro and me sitting with the doctor.. I don't like the doctor at all.. She said some stuff about my mother being sick, and I remember the scene and all.. Whatever she said just seemed like little, little details.. When what's more serious is that my family had to cope right.. And I was just at that kind of age.. Not knowing how meds could make a person have mood swings.. And my mum certainly had mood swings alright.. Now I'm watching shows and what not, and in those shows, they talk about how meds cause mood swings..
And it's funny.. I never got 'educated' that meds cause a person to become sick like that.. I was not mature enough at the age, and I wonder why I couldn't have learnt to see how cancer and meds have be dealt with in a more caring way.. Guess I think I could have done more.. I was just such a kid, and it was over all too soon..
And all that time, I only had the silly O and A levels to bother myself with... Why can't our parents explain these things more to us, you think? These things which are definitely so much more important than the O and A levels.
Now, I'm randomly thinking of Supernatural. Hah. Because it also has a Dad in the story, who was trying to do the best for his kids and all, but he tells them way too much. It's a great drama. Lol.
Hope you don't mind I'm dumping my little 'epiphany' here! Why I am fed up with the so-called 'education' I received in Singapore. Even though I met really fun people like you guys in MI. :D
Have you ever thought about any of the above?
Why in the world do so many people get sick in Singapore? Why do so many people there lose the fight to sickness? What's with all that stupid stress, and tiny little spaces that all the people in Singapore get caught up in. The domestic tragedy in Sg is just so hard to believe sometimes.
Friday, November 19, 2010
If I can make this a fulfilling longer-term project, why not? While I have a bit of time right now.
I just went and saw Harry Potter 7! It was actually... Okay. It was kinda good.
My mind doesn't get blown that easily anymore. Hah.
Still, the movie is good.
But, now, I wanna write.
I don't know how much time I can spare, but I think I might wanna work on some short and one long piece at the same time.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
It has been relatively good.
Because I can remember it all quite fondly.
Unlike my CNA days. -_-
For which I have nothing to remember at all. And didn't learn a thing at all. Except that some people just like to waste my time, and worst, they waste their time. If they know how not to waste their time, they wouldn't want to waste mine. Lol.
I'm just thinking about my next job.
I'm just trying to make something out of myself.
I'm happy with the people I'm around in Singapore, you know.
But that doesn't count the general population. -.-
Only a few people who are important to me.
Somehow I'm getting myself ready to feel crushed in Singapore.
And bored to hell.
But I won't go down without a fight this time.
Now I know that I am capable of putting up a good fight.
Nobody is going to tell me that I'm not capable of doing something extraordinary this time.
I look back at some of those years of education I've had, and they don't even mean shit to me. :P
Only the person I have become means something.
And in the years ahead, no matter how people might try to bear me down and bore me to hell, I now have the ability to recognize that I don't have to get hung up on everybody else's perspectives.
I have my own perspective, and if some people are just stubbornly blind to other people's perspectives, then I will know that I do not have to waste time with them because my time is only going to those who care about my perspective and allow and even encourage me to have a view of my own.
Okay, I'm tired! Off to movie in bed, before hitting the sack.
I think I need another escape plan. Two years later or so.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Trying to get more new games. Just spied a Spongebob Squarepants one. Lol, it looks cuuute.
I just saw the Grey's Anatomy DS game, and now I'm searching for more of such cool stuff like crazy. Lol.
And Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Yesiree. I just got programs to unzip every possible format for the archived folders from the DS sites. Can't stop me now.
Everything works now. YES.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Update to my list of to-watch TV Shows:
Prison Break
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Doctor Who
Vampire Diaries
Mad Men
Six Feet Under
I'm madly devouring films at the moment!
I'm starting with packing my books first!
My God. Whenever I flip through notebooks I've filled with research I've done for my student films, I can't tell you exactly how it makes me feel.
It makes me feel good.
I just flipped through the notebook I filled with research on the morgue documentary I did last year. Plus generative thoughts I wrote to myself whenever I got stuck with a problem.
When will be the next time I fill a notebook with research like that. Tell me when.
And now I've just looked through my emo writings from Year 1, when I first came to Melbourne. Lol. They're just rants basically. The time when I started asking the basic questions of Who am I, Why do I have to socialize with people, Am I changing, What do I do with these thoughts now that I have a mind, What am I doing here, and so on and so forth.
I'm past that now. I don't care about what everybody thinks of me. I only care about what some people think of me. And I know how people and things work. Slightly better than before anyway. And I know what to do with my time, and what to do with myself. Lol. This being called 'Me' - I believe I know it better now. Guess I've developed a slightly better sense of direction now.
I don't know how I made it here. But I did.
Imagine the people who never get past the basic questions. To never understand what one could do, but to be just doing stuff all the time. Don't lead a life under an invisible puppet-master, man.
Now, I think I actually like to turn moments when I am emo into an expression. Because this ability to think and feel, you just have to deal with it once you realize it is there. Does this come with age? When did it all start for me? In 2008, the year I first came to Melbourne? It wasn't easy, but somehow now I know how thoughts and feelings are a pain in the ass (not so dramatic for me as it is in the TV shows though), but you don't just whine about them.
With the passing years, you just realize that you actually have to attach words and actions to your thoughts and feelings. That's when you're not just some dumb kid anymore.
But some of us still cling on to our right to be kids. Yes, it's our right. Why should we be forced to grow up in every single way.
So, to all fellow kids out there, the ones who are now old enough to understand what I'm trying to say here...
Playtime is entering a different level now.
Go make something of yourselves.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
- Movie, I'm Not There
Wow. This movie calms me. Bob Dylan's music-inspired film. His music is always... I don't know how to say it! It makes one just fall silent - and listen. To his music, to his lyrics.
Great movie.
It's not just all calming... It's like... You kind of accept what is said about life in the movie, what the people say. The characters are based on real-life people. Who kind of become celebrities. But, at the end of the day, the film is really just about these people as people. Not as celebrities. That's real. That's not lies. These 'celebrities'... They're just people, aren't they. Not all of them are just trying to sell us something. Some people really try to be singers, and they end up being sold as commodities. And the movie actually shows how it can be kind of sad. Trying to avoid one's 'art' becoming some kind of product. And what is 'art' anyway? These people are really just people. And people like Bob Dylan make something more out of their lives which some other people will never bother to do. Dylan just likes to sing, and sadly because of how good he becomes at it, people never leave him alone and let him be.
This is a GOOD movie. Such a great portrait-painting kind of movie. I enjoy it much more than Walk The Line. I don't remember enjoying Walk The Line too much. It's a Hollywood drama based on Johnny Cash's life, but maybe they should have done it in a less fictional mode.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Perils,' I said, 'have come unto the West,
To this so inconsiderable vigil
Which is remaining of your senses still
Be ye unwilling to deny the knowledge,
Following the sun, of the unpeopled world.
Consider ye the seed from which ye sprang;
Ye were not made to live like unto brutes,
But for pursuit of virtue and of knowledge.'
So eager did I render my companions,
With this brief exhortation, for the voyage,
That then I hardly could have held them back.
And having turned our stern unto the morning,
We of the oars made wings for our mad flight,
Evermore gaining on the larboard side.
Already all the stars of the other pole
The night beheld, and ours so very low
It did not rise above the ocean floor.
Five times rekindled and as many quenched
Had been the splendour underneath the moon,
Since we had entered into the deep pass,
When there appeared to us a mountain, dim
From distance, and it seemed to me so high
As I had never any one beheld.
Joyful were we, and soon it turned to weeping;
For out of the new land a whirlwind rose,
And smote upon the fore part of the ship.
Three times it made her whirl with all the waters,
At the fourth time it made the stern uplift,
And the prow downward go, as pleased Another,
Until the sea above us closed again."
- Dante's Inferno, Canto XXVI
While I was still the form of bone and pulp
My mother gave to me, the deeds I did
Were not those of a lion, but a fox.
The machinations and the covert ways
I knew them all, and practised so their craft
- Dante's Inferno, Canto XXVII
And thou shalt see I am Capocchio's shade,
Who metals falsified by alchemy;
Thou must remember, if I well descry thee,
How I a skilful ape of nature was.
- Dante's Inferno, Canto XXIX
When him I heard in anger speak to me,
I turned me round towards him with such shame
That still it eddies through my memory.
And as he is who dreams of his own harm,
Who dreaming wishes it may be a dream,
So that he craves what is, as if it were not;
Such I became, not having power to speak,
For to excuse myself I wished, and still
Excused myself, and did not think I did it.
- Dante's Inferno, Canto XXX
Omg, this dream speech is brilliant. So reminds me of the Supernatural episode, What Is and What Should Never Be too.
This one is Nimrod, by whose evil thought
One language in the world is not still used.
Here let us leave him and not speak in vain;
For even such to him is every language
As his to others, which to none is known.
- Dante's Inferno, Canto XXXI
Here it is morn when it is evening there;
And he who with his hair a stairway made us
Still fixed remaineth as he was before.
Upon this side he fell down out of heaven;
And all the land, that whilom here emerged,
For fear of him made of the sea a veil,
And came to our hemisphere; and peradventure
To flee from him, what on this side appears
Left the place vacant here, and back recoiled."
A place there is below, from Beelzebub
As far receding as the tomb extends,
Which not by sight is known, but by the sound
Of a small rivulet, that there descendeth
Through chasm within the stone, which it has gnawed
With course that winds about and slightly falls.
The Guide and I into that hidden road
Now entered, to return to the bright world;
And without care of having any rest
We mounted up, he first and I the second,
Till I beheld through a round aperture
Some of the beauteous things that Heaven doth bear;
Thence we came forth to rebehold the stars.
- Dante's Inferno, Canto XXXIV (Last Act)
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
- La Dolce Vita
Friday, November 5, 2010
Seriously, I do.
I think, for a truly great film, Character has to be stronger than Story.
La Dolce Vita a turning point in cinema: Scorsese
But unless it's like Baz Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliet, or The Motorcycle Diaries or something. Where spectacle also blows you away.
Wow. I like this cartoon. Lol.

I think it's funny kinda like how the evil bunny is funny. So cute!!! But watch out for the evilness swirling around its feet. Hahah
Look at those white eyes. Looks like the Winchester brothers have some exorcising to do.
Plus I love that he's the Monkey King!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
But I don't look forward to the weather, or look forward much to the work at all.
Well, it's now time for me to have a short little break though! I'm watching all the shows and movies that I can, and reading and checking out music and all that stuff. Just all the stuff that interests me. Just got a little bit more time to do that for now!
I think, it's either I want to become a scriptwriter, or I should work my way up to becoming a director. It doesn't seem so easy for me to become a director of photography / the cameraperson.
And I want to work on drama. And yet, Singapore doesn't have all that fantastic drama stories in the film industry. The imagination is just not quite there yet. Gain experience first then say. But I definitely think telling drama stories in some other country's film industry seems more interesting. I'll just have to see.
If the stories in themselves are not imaginative, I wouldn't even bother being the cameraperson, because I won't be excited about how I can frame up the story, ya know.
Disclaimer: Not my video or my song!
Wow I love some of these fan videos! They're cute, and give a warm fuzzy feeling! Hahaha. They're my two fav actors for now, and they so rock. Plus, I get to get addicted to some of these uber nice songs which have so many listeners on youtube, hence proving their popularity, but I'm just getting to hear them now! At least I can now find more of these songs and not just know about Jason Mraz's "I'm Yours" or sumthin. :^)
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Hahaha! Yes! I discovered Edgar Allan Poe in the Tampines Library when I was a kid.
I discovered the macabre stuff when I was that young. And it sure is cool to know that it was written for me! Who says children can't handle that stuff? :D It's the most awesome stuff. Lots of kids can appreciate horror!
I wanna read Moby Dick next.
"So being able to accept responsibility, but above all having a sense of humor, so that anything that happens can have its amusing side."
"I find this in most fields. The need for romance is constant, and again, it’s pooh-poohed by intellectuals. As a result they’re going to stunt their kids. You can’t kill a dream. Social obligation has to come from living with some sense of style, high adventure, and romance."
And btw, I cannot wait to release my 2010 short film The Interview. :-)
I hope I can 'go places' with this film man! I think, at least, there's no horrible production mistakes in this one. :-D
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Haha gosh, I'm sleepy. Slacking in bed before turning in! ESSAYS ALL DONE. :) Editing tomorrow. Editing is tiring. But itz cool. Can't wait to release my film. Doesn't that just sound so cool. Release my film. :D
Spiderman's soundtrack a lot more juvenile than I remember. Haha. Guess my liking it last time means I was juvenile! Was. Am. .... Still love the movies.
Isn't it about time for me to go back home now. =/
Friday, October 29, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
"for Meursault he doesn't play his game among men, and later on realizes that he was kind of playing the game against the world by refusing to react to the world, but actually he should have just -really- played his game against the world by playing along with it, and played the (lower-level) game with men as well"
Can you imagine the editing that comes before the submission of the assignment?
"He doesn't complain, and he doesn't realize that he doesn't complain. The Outsider is about a man who jeopardizes himself when he doesn't bother to complain and on the other hand, Jane Eyre is a complain queen."
"He doesn't complain, and he doesn't realize that he doesn't complain. The Outsider is about a man who jeopardizes himself when he doesn't bother to complain and on the other hand, Jane Eyre is a complain queen."
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Tired of essay research... -.-zZzzZ
Monday, October 25, 2010
Another vid got me hooked on a song! So cute.
Friday, October 22, 2010
So I'll just leave it at that: Right now once again, Facebook is boring. Because I'm quite boring now too. Well, not exactly. My mind is very active. Actively doing essays and project.
But anyway yah. Boring.
I'm practically watching Supernatural everyday. 1-2 episodes a day.
That happens a lot with me too. Stick with one show while I'm slogging it out with essays.
WAH. These assignments need to be over soon lah.
Move on, Move on!
Btw, THE KILLERS are such an AWESOME BAND. Loves!
And, I kind of like the entire second album from One Republic. Such impressive development of style since their hit "Apologize". Hope they'll produce a smashing third album!
Plus, I'm d/l-ing Spiderman soundtrack right now. Have always meant to do it!
Supernatural is top torrent for DL on the torrent site I always visit. High above House MD, and above How I Met Your Mother and Grey's Anatomy and yada yada. Cool!
And I've been thinking I should try watching Dexter and this other show I've been hearing about, called Mad Men!
Prison Break
Mad Men
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Six Feet Under
How How How?!?
So many!
Mr. Uni and I are supposed to be way over man.
One Republic's songs are so power that I always mouth the lyrics like I'm also the lead singer, and I'm sure their songs will totally rock at a karaoke session.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I got a couple more ideas about the Supernatural characters. Which I'll come back to when I have time. Now, I'm not actually supposed to have time.
And it's really bad to have to do editing this week. It throws off the routine of just getting assignments done first. But I'm not the only one in my group, so editing it is.
Extract of what I'm writing for a Uni report:
[[ In answer to my fifth question, Kan says, "South East Asian independent films have been on an upward trend for the past 6-7 years." In all honesty, I had no idea. I haven't exposed myself to South East Asian independent films in particular, though I have been watching more Singaporean independent shorts. And the truth is, I am not particularly attracted to "South East Asian independent films". That sounds very niche. It is probably very telling that I still watch a lot of Hollywood shows and what not, as opposed to seeking out South East Asian films to watch.
Kan himself has said, "As an impressionable youth, I was influenced by Hollywood and wanted to make films in a similar vein. It took me quite a while to realize my own heritage and learn not to despise it." ]]
Now, don't you think this is a good interview. I still won't watch South East Asian films. Well, I'm more the Eric K / Kelvin T fan type. And I don't despise my own heritage. I'm just trying to be more interested in it.
[[ I know that I'm interested in both 'drama' and the 'drama of life', i.e. real-life fiction. But if I'm no Jean-Luc Godard just yet, I will wait a little while longer before endeavoring to make films for myself… I still need to keep looking for a good starting job, and good people to work with. If I'm still interested in drama, and not necessarily any community-involved drama so to speak, but perhaps a genre film that excites thought and the senses, I think I should still go after my interest in this. Yes, it may seem typically amateurish to still be enamored by the B-grade type genre film, but there's a kind of honesty in a B-grade movie with lots of horrifying garish and exaggerated drama in it. I don't necessarily want lots of blood to be seen, but a drama that doesn't endeavor to tell lies sounds pretty good to me, just because nowadays we know that media images are not exactly honest. So, so long as it's a film that tells the truth without necessarily becoming a social documentary, I will be very much interested in it. ]]
[[ Therefore, right now I will endeavor to watch a lot of films and write about them if I get the chance to continue working with SNMA (abbreviation just so that ppl won't arrive at my blog from ^^), and besides of watching them for the drama, I will keep identifying the themes that make the film resonate with me. Films that portray youth for instance, resonate with me quite. Maybe not so much a young generation that is on drugs and completely 'off the rocker', but a young generation that is sort of lost. And actually, I think that the idea of a lost young generation would attract some amount of interest in SG. Just maybe. ]]
Monday, October 18, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
RANDOM THOUGHT of the day!
Enjoy this song. Also a random! I have one other song by Matt Nathanson in my iPod - called Come On Get Higher. One Republic's songs also make me want to become a drummer. All those 'studio' songs lar. They sound more 'fleshed out', and I just love the BOOMZ rhythm of songs sometimes because it's ultra uplifting. Lol.
Uh huh, the song is called 'Wedding Dress'. So the 'romantic' side of me listens to a whole lot of romance songs. And likes Jared Padalecki / Sam Winchester. (And the elder brother Dean is not far behind on my "hot favorite" list at all) And I also like 'Boomz' songs which I can play on my headphones and go take a run along the beach. Wahaha.
And on a side note, I've already found that both the Supernatural actors are recently married!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
AHHHHHHH! I decided my fan craziness should belong here for now, and not on Facebook, because I'm trying to keep my activity there low for now. LOL. This is the video I'm watching just before I sleep. I was doing my essay just now... So I deserve this sweet distraction now! Haha... Man, the feeling of being a fan is finally back again. Lol. Last time I remember, it was the Korean boyband DBSK. And now this series has sucked me in, and so has this oh-so-cute and awesome and wonderful actor. Jared Padalecki. =D
Haha. Okayyyyyy. Do you reckon this return of fandom is a healthy sign? I should think so!
Anyway, I do love his 'bitchface' acting, and I've heard this song before, but now I totally like this song all the more.
And well, this blog is usually serious, and so as for this addition, I'm pretty cool with it. :D
I haven't had much necessity to put any 'warring' thoughts down on my blog lately? :o Guess the year's been an easy one without unnecessary conflict within or without! It's all been simple essay writing, simple group work. Quite the usual. Ah, I need to find more, more, more obsessions. Material obsessions? Hmm, perhaps not material obsessions but story obsessions.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
From AFP news report -
I came to Melbourne to -not- make personal films... But I guess I'm fine with that!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
"I've never thought of Jane Eyre as being irresponsible.. So I don't really think she doesn't think of the consequences of her desire for independence. The book didn't give me the impression that she is selfish.. Nor is she only thinking of her independence? She's a very 'people' person, that's what I think.. She wants to be around people who accept and love her.. I can't think of much of a decision she has made on her own accord that was rather forced upon other people, except for the time when she left Mr Rochestor. It would seem like she's protofeminist for only wanting to marry Mr Rochestor when she became more independently financially.. But her leaving Mr Rochestor caused her to suffer just as much as he did, and maybe even more.. She almost died out there, eh.. So perhaps yes, she was so bent on leaving that she didn't even care if she could die.. That's kind of disregarding the consequences.. And yet, she has good enough reason to leave Mr Rochestor.. The book drops hints that marrying at the time when Bertha was alive would have been a rash decision, not just because it would be a blight to both their reputations, but also because the presence of Bertha might have been a obstruction to their love for each other even.. Mr Rochestor didn't seem very emotionally stable at that point.. I think it was good for Jane Eyre to have left for just a year.. Comparing to what might have happened if she stayed, I'd say that her leaving helped to prevent much turmoil as a married couple had they married earlier.. So no, I don't think she's protofeminist.. I still view Jane Eyre pretty much as a romance novel.. Haha.."